Formal attitude

On November 27, telegram channel reported that the staff of the Economic Department of the Tashkent Region Khokimiyat was forced to work until midnight.

As a result, it was revealed that the staff of the Main Department of Economic Development and Poverty Reduction of the Tashkent regional administration was carrying out their work at 20:00 without any orders. Explanatory letters were received from the relevant staff of the department regarding this situation.
In addition, the head of the department of human resources and special affairs of the department explained that a meeting is scheduled for November 23 at 18:00 and the order in which employees are involved in extracurricular activities.
    It was revealed that the meeting was attended by the first deputies of district governors with their consent, and no order was issued for overtime work.

We all know that according to Article 124 of the Labor Code, overtime work can be allowed only with the consent of the employee, according to Article 157, overtime work, at least for work on weekends and holidays. will be paid in the amount of two contributions.
In addition, Article 125 stipulates that the duration of overtime work for each employee should not exceed four hours per day for two days (in severe and harmful work conditions - two hours a day) and not more than one hundred and twenty hours per year. marked.

According to the results of the study, the first deputy governor of Tashkent region on industrial development, finance and economic and poverty reduction - the head of the General Directorate of Economic Development and Poverty Reduction on the basis of Articles 130, 157 of the Labor Code Written instructions were introduced to eliminate the identified violations, ie to pay employees involved in overtime work on the basis of their consent, as well as overtime pay in the amount of two shares or a proportional leave.
     A petition was also submitted to the Tashkent regional administration to take measures in accordance with the law against officials guilty of violating the above-mentioned legislation to eliminate and prevent future violations.