Direct criminal liability established for administrative coercion of a child to work
Currently effective measures are being taken to identify, protect and socially rehabilitate victims of human trafficking, to provide medical, psychological and other assistance to citizens who have become victims of such crimes, to investigate and prosecute persons involved in human trafficking, and to eliminate conditions conducive to the commission of such crimes.
The National Commission on Combating Human Trafficking and Forced Labour is working to further strengthen guarantees for the protection of minors in the country, to prevent cases of their involvement in forced labour, the activities of prohibited or illegal associations, sexual exploitation of minors, as well as to rigorously ensure the responsibility of those who have committed such actions.
The Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated 12 February 2021 №673 "On amendments and additions to the Criminal, Criminal Procedure Codes of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Administrative Responsibility" is a logical continuation of these systemic measures.
With the aim of further strengthening the guarantees of protecting the interests of minors, preventing cases of their involvement in forced labour, current Law establishes direct criminal liability for administrative coercion of a child (any person under the age of eighteen years of age) to work in any form.
Criminal liability is also established for persuading minors in the Republic of Uzbekistan to participate in the activities of illegal public associations and religious organizations, directions, sects. This helps to prevent the risks of turning minors into victims of these crimes, to take effective measures against the involvement of minors in illegal public associations, to further strengthen the guaranteed protection of their interests by the state.
The implementation of this Law will serve to guarantee the protection of the rights and legitimate interests of citizens who have become victims of human trafficking and forced labour, thereby increasing the authority of the state in the world arena, objectively and adequately informing the general public and the world community about the work carried out in this direction.