Ministry of Labor of Uzbekistan and Rossii nametili sovmestnыe plany po rasshireniyu dvustoronnego sotrudnichestva

Ministry of Labor of Uzbekistan and Rossii nametili sovmestnыe plany po rasshireniyu dvustoronnego sotrudnichestva

In Moscow, the Minister of Labor and Labor Relations of the Republic of Uzbekistan Nozim Khusanov met with the Minister of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation Antonom Kotyakov.

V xode peregovorov obsujdeny perspektivy sovmestnogo sotrudnichestva v oblasti sovershenstvovaniya sistemy organizovannogo nabora i privlecheniya grazhdan Uzbekistana dlya osushchestvleniya trudovoy deyatelnosti v Rossii.

Krome togo, obsujdeny voprosy realizatsii pilotnogo proekta po uproshchennomu poryadku privlecheniya trudovyx migrantov v sfere stroitelstva i selskogo khozyaystva, tsifrovizatsiya trudovyx protsessov i novatsii v trudovom zakonodatelstve.

Minister of Trudy Uzbekistan Nazim Xusanov proinformiroval rossiyskogo team o podpisanii trexstoronnego Covenant o sotrudnichestve Mejdu Mintrudom Chamber of Uzbekistan torgovo-promyshlennymi dvux Strait, framing kotorogo predusmatrivaetsya soprovojdenie control professionalnoy podgotovki Attestation obucheniya migrants russkomu yazyku Osnova tuplami, a takje podtverjdenie guarantee soblyudeniya trudovyx norm with storony rabotodateley.

«Subscribed to the 2017 Year of the Intergovernmental Coordination on the organized set requires the introduction of innovations and corrections with the account of the complex situation in the labor market during the period of pandemic. Neobxodimo sdelat protsedury nayma maksimalno prostymi i udobnymi kak dlya rabotnika, tak i dlya rabotodatelya, obespechivaya pri etom neobxodimye garantii dlya obeix storon protsessa », otmetil ministr N.Xusanov.

According to the Minister, in the current period of the Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare of Uzbekistan plays a leading role in the organization of the system of professional training and retraining of personnel, trained in the labor market. In each region of the country created a unique system in its own way of providing services to the working population, predusmatrivayushchaya professional and written training, training in entrepreneurship and consultation on labor migration issues.

PO itogam peregovorov storony dostigli dogovorennostey PO vneseniyu izmeneniy Soglashenie weather organizovannom Nabors 2017 Age realizatsii sovmestnyx Software povysheniya kvalifikatsiy stajirovok sotrudnikov authorities PO Trudy region tsifrovizatsii trudovyx otnosheniy obespecheniya oxrany Trudy snijeniya urovnya injuries or predpriyatiyax, a takje sovershenstvovaniya trudovogo tuplami.